Foundation, bars and SOP in Goa India

When earth call you to come and play with the richness of the land 

  ?and all beautiful beings what future will that create with ease, joy and glory

Foundation class

Sold Out

3.5 days of gold transformation 

Pre req. access bars 

India Pricing: FYI

First Time Price: 138000 INR per participant

Repeat Price:  69000 INR per participant

Repeat pricing applies within 24 months of attending Access Foundation.

Children under 15 can attend for free with paying adult participants as a child or ward. Children would only have to pay for food and venue.

Venue and food costs are additional per person.

Facilitator: Michal Raich

Host: Dr. Mamta Brave

Link to join this group


And link to payment below.

What else is possible now? 

Value: 138000 | 69000

Register and pay

Access bars class

Join us for a class that can open up a new life of possibilities and joy in any area and time. 

1 day of transformation 

 No pre req 

India Pricing: FYI

First Time Price: ____ INR per participant

Repeat Price:  ___ INR per participant

Children under 15 can attend for free with paying adult participants as a child or ward. Children would only have to pay for food and venue.

Venue and food costs are additional per person: To be decided based on venue, etc

Host: Dr. Manta 

Link to join this group

Cost: 1450

Save your sit hear

About me


I am a certified Facilitator, playing with access consciousness tools. My unique method allows Multi-potential people to identify and achieve their personal goals. Together we destroy and uncreate definitions such as distress, anxiety, and stress, which society labels as ADD, ADHD, OCD, PTSD etc., turning them into gifts.
My heart expands as I see my clients become happier and free in their creations and achievements, as well as starting to earn more money with joy, ease and glory.
I look forward to share playfulness times with you too. Get in touch with me whenever you sense it in your body.
Are you willing to be open to endless possibilities?

רכים כשהייתה בת 16 וכמה שנים אחרי זה פנתה לסמים ולאלכוהול כמנגנון התמודדות עם העולם שהיה עבורה פשוט יותר מידי בשבילה.